Spaghettoni is slightly thicker than classic spaghetti, giving it a pleasant toothiness and bite. It takes well to rich meat sauces and fish-based pasta sauces as well.
We produce our classic line pasta only using the durum wheat that we grow and harvest every year in the fields surrounding our pasta factory, following the Good Agricultural Practices. Semolina and water are the only two ingredients. We use circular bronze dies to shape our pasta and then we dry it at temperatures below 55°C. It takes about 23-25 hours for our short pasta cuts and up to 44-46 hours for our long pasta cuts.
Spaghettoni have a length of 260 mm and a diameter of 2,5 mm. Their cooking time is between 11 and 13 minutes.
Mancini Pastificio Agricolo farms every hectare with the awareness that it is only by caring for the earth and ensuring that the soil is not impoverished that one can obtain the best raw materials possible. And a good old-fashioned pasta is nothing more than the pure expression of the wheat used to produce it. Every pack of Pasta Mancini bears a logo that signals compliance with Good Agricultural Practices [Buona Pratica Agricola]. Those same principles applied by the farmers of the past are now regulated by national and European standards for environmental sustainability. Every activity carried out by the company is, therefore, environmentally friendly and implements the best farming techniques as well as self-regulation standards. With the precious help of agronomist Oriana Porfiri, Mancini Pastificio Agricolo has implemented Good Agricultural Practices to every phase of farming its own durum wheat. The physical and chemical properties of the soil and the history of each plot of land are carefully monitored to allow for careful decisions about how to select the crop and work the land.
Crop rotation maintains the soil fertile, increases production, improves quality and reduces the environmental impact.
Selecting varieties of the highest quality and those best suited for conditions in each field, accompanied by exclusive use of certified seeds allows us to map out and supervise the entire production process. Planting is done at the best possible time, with suitable quantities of each variety. The conditions of each plot are checked carefully. The type, quantity and timing of fertilisation is planned based on weather conditions, the type of soil, planting period and other decisive factors.
The key to a vigorous crop is applying correct farming principles and selecting tolerant varieties, thereby limiting the growth of weeds and disease.
Chemical control is used when strictly necessary in full compliance with the rules set forth by the National Plan [Piano Nazionale di Attuazione] for the sustainable use of pesticides.
Once the wheat is mature and has dried correctly it is harvested and the grain is stored in a refrigerated environment with no need for chemicals.