Winter skate wing - trimmed of skin and cartilage. Ready to cook!
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J C.
Poached with red wine and conpoy, then drizzled with brown butter and capers. Takes a little bit longer to poach than most recipes indicate, so refrain from throwing the capers in the butter for another minute
Luis G.
Fresh and delicious.
Orion A.
Fresh and delicious!
Patrick V.
Hi, the fish was very fresh and very tasty. I would like to suggest that you select equal sides pieces. 1) it easy to cook similarly sized portions, fish is delicate and when you have pieces of different shape and weight it's difficult to get both done at the same time 2) best to have same portions so that all guests have same amount.
Small orders are often for couples and it is difficult to plate meals when portion sizes are so different. I received 1lb of skate and one pice was tiny, one OK, and one about double the size.
Please, select comparable pieces to fill your orders.
Thank you.
Donna A.
Lovely Skate! Delicious!
Donna A.
Delicate delicious, fresh Skate!
Janice K.
Good quality, but pro chefs do it better!
Mary C.
Very fresh without fishy smell. Nice texture.
Tony T.
Skate wing Tempura with vegies. Also did the Cod Cheeks. I made way too much food for the 3 of us but that turned out to be no problem; no leftovers. Ya just can't beat fresh local seafood. Plus I get to run into one of the owners at the MOMA on Sunday and he calls me out from across the room. Shop local and shop often. We love you FSS!
Mary C.
Love this skate fillet! It's easy to cook and doesn't smell fishy.
Ann B.
Skate wing served with acorn squash and lettuce/avocado salad. Delicious. Ann
cate e.
Was so excited to see skate available - I have NEVER been able to find it in California. This was caught-today fresh and so easy to prepare with the cartilage already removed. I did a classic treatment: poached skate with capers in brown butter sauce with asparagus and brown+wild rice as sides. It was truly a special dinner!
Brandon A.
Dead Oak B.
Simplicity at its best! Brown butter, capers, pan fried with hericot verts.
Stephenie C.
I’ve already posted up the Skate with Capers and Brown Butter dish. But this is with left over skate! Better than crab cake, SKATE CAKE! Same texture, no fishiness whatsoever because I mixed in some curry powder (and a whole bunch of other ingredients). We love this seafood so much and thanks to Four Star, we can regularly find this now! Thank you!
Stephenie C.
Skate or Aile de raie was one of my favorite fish to eat when I lived in Paris. The taste is mild and the texture is like the lightest and tenderest parts of a chicken. It's also so fun to eat yet so simple to make. This dish was made with browned butter and capers. I always try and get it whenever I see it available here! Thank you for offering this hard to find fish!
Erica W.
I haven’t pan fried fish before but the skate wings were too enticing and there’s a first time for everything! They were fresh, tasty and beautiful on the plate. They arrived perfectly separated from the cartilage which made for easy cooking.